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Cross Platform Mobile App Development Using JavaScript Framework

Generally, we use specific languages to code our mobile apps for example Objective-C for IOS and Java/Kotlin for Android app development. However there came a point where redundancies in app development took place and there wasn’t as many app developers as today. Now the companies had to encourage web developers into developing apps. That’s where various companies had created tools to specifically accomplish these tasks. This hence increased the number of app developers in the mobile platform.

Let us take a look at some of the JavaScript mobile app Frameworks: -

Mobile Angular UI:

It is a mobile UI framework and if you already know Angular JS and Twitter Bootstrap you practically know it already. This is proven to be quite useful Mobile Angular UI while it retains most of the Bootstrap 3 syntax and it’s very efficient in bringing the existing desktop web app to mobile. A small CSS file is provided to include it and so we can get a fully responsive and touch enabled interface that can be used anywhere. Personally, this is my recommended framework if you can use Angular JS.


Meteor is another JavaScript framework used to develop interactive mobile apps. In addition, it gives us ongoing control of our mobile app. With this feature you can update the JavaScript code and use the hot code push functions to deploy changes to all mobile platforms. Meteor also provides the phone to server communication and synchronization.

Native Mobile Applications:

In this framework the mostly used tools are Xamarin and React JS by Facebook.

Xamarin allows you only to write the same kind of code while programming natively whereas Facebook’s React JS takes a different approach towards native app development such as JavaScript code, CSS-alike stylesheets. It has the most gaining popularity due to it’s tools and ease of use.

It’s the only framework that offers optimal solutions to develop fast applications cross-platform. It’s known for its creative and useful components that work well on all mobile applications. It works on IOS, Android, Kindle Fire, Windows Phone and Blackberry too.

To choose the right JavaScript framework for mobile-app development it’s better to first understand what type of app is it in its entirety and choosing the best framework for that purpose.

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